How Much Should You Tip a Tattoo Artist? Tips for Proper Tipping

Wondering How Much Should You Tip a Tattoo Artist? Read on to learn how much to tip, when to tip, and why tipping is important for showing your appreciation and building a strong relationship with your tattoo artist.

Why Tipping is Important for Tattoo Artists?

Tattoo artists work in a highly competitive industry, and their livelihood often depends on building a strong reputation and a loyal customer base. Tipping is an important way to show your appreciation and support for their work. It not only helps them financially but also shows that you value their artistry and expertise. A generous tip can also motivate your tattoo artist to work harder and provide you with a better experience.

How Much Should You Tip a Tattoo Artist?

The standard tipping rate for tattoo artists is 20% of the total cost of the tattoo. However, this is just a guideline, and the amount you tip can vary depending on several factors, such as the complexity of the design, the amount of time and effort put into the tattoo and your overall satisfaction with the finished product. If you’re unsure about how much to tip, you can always ask your tattoo artist for their recommendation.

Factors That Influence How Much to Tip:

  • The complexity of the design: Intricate and detailed tattoos require more time and effort, and may warrant a higher tip.
  • The amount of time and effort put into the tattoo: If your tattoo artist spends extra time perfecting the design or working on a difficult area, consider tipping more to show your appreciation.
  • Your overall satisfaction with the finished product: If you’re thrilled with the results of your tattoo, it’s a good idea to tip generously to let your tattoo artist know that their hard work was appreciated.

When Should You Tip Your Tattoo Artist?

Tipping should always be done after the tattoo is completed. If you’re unsure about whether or not to tip, it’s always best to err on the side of generosity. Your tattoo artist will appreciate your gesture, no matter when you decide to tip.

Other Ways to Show Appreciation for Your Tattoo Artist:

Tipping is just one way to show your appreciation for your tattoo artist. You can also:

  • Leave a positive review online: Word of mouth is powerful in the tattoo industry, and a positive review can go a long way in building your tattoo artist’s reputation.
  • Refer friends and family: If you know someone who is looking for a tattoo artist, refer them to your own tattoo artist.
  • Follow your tattoo artist on social media: This is a great way to stay up-to-date on their latest work and show your support.


Should I tip my tattoo artist if they own the shop?

Yes, if your tattoo artist owns the shop, it’s still appropriate to tip them for their work.

Is it ever okay not to tip a tattoo artist?

While tipping is customary and a way to show appreciation for your tattoo artist, it’s ultimately up to you whether or not you want to tip. If you’re not satisfied with the tattoo or the service, you may choose not to tip.

Can I tip my tattoo artist with a gift instead of cash?

While most tattoo artists prefer cash tips, it’s also acceptable to tip with a gift, such as a piece of art or a thoughtful item.

Should I tip for a small tattoo?

Yes, even for a small tattoo, it’s appropriate to tip your tattoo artist. They still put in time and effort to complete the tattoo.

Should I tip for a consultation?

No, a tip is not expected for a consultation.

Is it okay to tip with a credit card?

Yes, most tattoo shops accept tips on credit cards.

What if I’m not happy with the tattoo?

If you’re not satisfied with the tattoo, it’s important to communicate your concerns to your tattoo artist. They may be able to make adjustments to the tattoo to better meet your expectations. If you’re still not happy with the final result, it’s ultimately up to you whether or not you want to tip. However, keep in mind that your tattoo artist still put in time and effort to complete the tattoo.

Should I tip if I get a touch-up?

Yes, if you’re getting a touch-up, it’s still appropriate to tip your tattoo artist. They are still putting in time and effort to make the tattoo look its best.


Tipping is an important way to show your appreciation and support for your tattoo artist. While the standard rate is 20%, the amount you tip can vary depending on several factors. It’s important to consider the complexity of the design, the amount of time and effort put into the tattoo, and your overall satisfaction with the finished product. Tipping is just one way to show your appreciation for your tattoo artist, and other ways include leaving a positive review and referring friends and family. By showing your support, you can help your tattoo artist build a strong reputation and continue to create beautiful and meaningful art for years to come.

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